
    Village Panchayat Department

    Gram Panchayat Division Zilla Parishad The head of the division is a Class 1 officer of the State Government. His designation is Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Gram Panchayat). He has an Assistant Group Development Officer of Class-II to assist him. The entire control of the Gram Panchayat is maintained through the Panchayat Department. Also, various schemes of the central and state governments are propagated and implemented in a very excellent manner through this department. There are a total of 547 gram panchayats in the district in 8 Panchayat committees. For this, 322 Gram Sevak and 54 Gram Development Officers and 21 Extension Officers (Panchayat) are available at Panchayat Samiti level.

    The following other works are done by this department.

    1. MP Adarsh Gram Yojana.
    2. MLA Adarsh Gram Yojana.
    3. Panchayat Raj Empowerment Scheme.
    4. Fourteenth Finance Commission.
    5. Minority Scheme.
    6. Collection of house tax and water board tax of Gram Panchayat.
    7. District Village Development Fund.
    8. Auctioning of market at district level.
    9. Auctioning of Fish Farming (Matsyapalan) pond at Panchayat Samiti level.

    Citizens’ Corner


    1. Model 8 Assessment Certificate
    2. Below poverty line certificate
    3. Birth certificate
    4. Death certificate
    5. Marriage certificate
    6. Proof of no outstanding dues
    7. Age proof for Niradhar Scheme

    Mr. Madhukar Wasnik
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer
    Gram Panchayat Department,
    Phone:- 07182-236672,
    E-mail:- dyceovp_zpgondia[at]rediffmail[dot]com