Agriculture Department
HOD of Agriculture Department is a Class 1 rank officer of the State Government. It is designated as Agriculture Development Officer. Through this department, many State and Central Government schemes are effectively implemented to increase the yield and quality of crops, as well as to strengthen renewable energy sources.The geographical area of Gondia district is 564100 hectares and the area under cultivation is 256400 hectares. And the area suitable for cultivation is 256400 hectares. In Gondia district, there are 211 irrigation projects such as large – 2, medium – 10, small and other projects 199. In Kharif 2022-23, 695.90 hectares under sugarcane, 888.14 hectares under sugarcane and 888.14 hectares under taroon. Kharif crops were planted on a total area of 202944.42 hectares under blessed crops 194374.82 hectares and other crops 6985.53 hectares. As such, the percentage of Kharif crop cultivation in all general area is 104.61 percent Precipitation.
In Gondia district, it rains generally from June to October. Also, the average rainfall in the district is 1326.54 mm and 1768.8 mm average rainfall has been recorded this year. Therefore, 133.34 percent has been harvested in Gondia district this year. In Rabi Year 2021-22 Total Cereal Crops (Wheat) – 3186.30 Hectares, Total Pulse Crops ( Gram & Other Pulses) – 14129.91 Hectares, Total Pulse Grain Crops (Linseed & Other Pulses) – 3635.94 Hectares, Also vegetables and other crops – 2631.45 ha, area has been sown.
Summer season
Total of the common area in summer paddy in 2022-23 – 51378.20 ha. In this season mainly summer paddy cultivation – 34632.59 ha. The total demand for summer paddy seeds was 32746. Total 2404 quintals of seeds were supplied by private companies out of 166870 quintals.
Mr.Atul Yede
Agricultural Development Officer(In-charge),
Agriculture Department,
Phone :-07182-232437,
E-mail:- ado_zpgondia[at]rediffmail[dot]com